Check out Limbeck’s new song “Big Drag” at Purevolume. Let us know what you think about it too.
Article #6 – Product Placement
“We need to check out the last place that the serial killer would have been, and I think I know where that is. Come on let’s get in my Ford Escape hybrid and go.” Lines like this are becoming more and more common in TV shows, and movies these days. What about music though? We have yet to really see product placement in music. Would it bother you to know your favorite artist got paid (an undisclosed amount) every time that a song with a product placement got played on the radio?
There are studies out there for televisions with PVR’s (personal video recorders) that show about 80% of people who record TV shows skip the commercials. That’s natural though right? I mean the idea of getting a recorder is record content when you’re gone, and to skip the commercials. I can’t imagine that those studies would make advertisers happy, and thus the seeming need to find other places to put advertisements.
Music is a new frontier for product placement. Although I doubt it will stay that way for much longer. There have already been at several attempts, McDonald’s probably being one of the most well known.
“McDonald’s, the fast food chain has offered to pay rappers up to $5 every time a song name-checking the Big Mac is played.“ taken from BBC News
On top on many, many other concerns comes the sticky situation of does this now mean the advertiser has to, or rather gets to, approve the lyrics by the artist? Who is really writing the songs if the advertiser can change the song to “convey the product in a positive light”?
“And the Grammy winner for best song this year goes to…. Coca Cola.” Now that’s a scary picture.
I guess the real question is whether being paid to write certain things (products) into songs compromises the integrity of the song or the band. If it doesn’t then no other discussion is even necessary. However if it does, and I think it does, then there are a lot questions and concerns that get raised.
What do you think, is product placement in songs a good idea, or not? Or does it even matter, does anyone care about this topic?
New Sherwood Song
A brand new song, “The Best In Me”, from Sherwood’s upcoming record has been posted on their MySpace.
Article #5 – Downloads or CD’s
I think we all know that the way to win over a girl is to make her a mix tape. I remember spending hours going through and listening to what seemed like a million songs trying to find the right ones. I know everyone knows what I’m talking about, because everyone has either made a mix tape or received one. Now that I think about it though, it wasn’t a tape. I made mix Cd’s. “Mix cd” does not have the same ring to it is as “mix tape” does. In the same way that tapes and vinyl are not very common anymore I am willing to bet Cd’s will be phased out at some point for some new format.
What does the future hold for the compact disc? Is it already on its way out, or does it have a long life ahead of itself still? 588.2 million Albums were sold in 2005 which is 4.9% less than the previous year, and although not surpassing in store album sales digital downloads were up 65% from 2005. Last year people purchased an amazing 581.9 million tracks online. Iâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢m personally not really a numbers person but those are still some interesting figures.
We’re at an interesting crossroads in time, when it comes to the way that music is delivered to us. Everything points towards downloads phasing out physical cds sooner or later, but can a download phase out something tangible? I for one will miss the feeling of buying that new Cd and sitting there flipping through the booklet reading lyrics and looking at the artwork. Staring at a computer screen reading a “digital” booklet is just not the same, trust me.
We cant hold on to the past forever, especially while technology rages on. As long as DRM is prevalent I think we need Cds or at least something tangible that we can use for personal use in whichever way we chose.
Are you someone that buys/gets (well talk about “gets” later down the road) albums online or in the store? Which do you prefer and why?
Anberlin Tracklisting
Heres the tracklisting from Anberlin’s “Cities”
1. (Debut)
2. Godspeed
3. Adelaide
4. A Whisper And A Clamor
5. The Unwinding Cable Car
6. There Is No Mathematics To Love And Loss
7. Hello Alone
8. Alexithymia
9. Reclusion
10. Inevitable
11. Dismantle.Repair.
12. (*Fin)
13. Uncanny
14. There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
15. The Promise
More Important Than Music
There is a new site for More Important Than Music. The site is a forum in which Artists can express what’s most important to them (with an emphasis on charities, causes, and more). Please check out the site and find out about other organizations which you can get involved in.
The site was started by Dan Koch of the band Sherwood
Lost Ocean – Lost Ocean

Artist: Lost Ocean
Album: Self Titled
Label: Credential Recordings
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: February 20th, 2007
Overall: 6.0
Music: 7.0
Lyrics: 8.0
Production: 8.0
I heard an EP from this piano based band â┚¬Ã…”Lost Oceanâ┚¬? a few months ago, and it was not bad, a little bit bland but it had potential. I got sent the bandâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s debut full length and it turned out to be a longer version of an already lacking EP.
The vocals are one of the best things about this record, although they arenâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t very unique in the sense that for several songs I swore I was listening to a Ben Folds record. The record and the band give off this vibe that they want to be a pop rock band yet the songs never quite get there. The single and by far the best song off the record, â┚¬Ã…”Just Glideâ┚¬?, was also coincidently the best song off the previous EP â┚¬Ã…”Night to lifeâ┚¬?.
A couple other notable songs on the record are â┚¬Ã…”You areâ┚¬? and â┚¬Ã…”Muteâ┚¬? which are able to hold their own, but just barely. I wanted to like this band and this record but it just has not happened yet. Thing is I donâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t dislike the album; it just has nothing pulling you back to listen to it over and over again.
This is one of those bands which has a lot of potential, yet something needs to be tweaked in order to bring it out of them. The album is up for streaming on the bands site, and I recommend doing that before purchasing it.
1. Believe
2. Still Life
3. Just Glide
4. You Are
5. Mute
6. Dreams
7. Everything Is
8. Trust
9. Lights
10. Vast
Relient K – Five Score and Seven Years Ago

Artist: Relient K
Album: Five Score and Seven Years Ago
Label: Capitol Records
Purchase: Amazon
Release Date: March 6th, 2007
Overall: 7.9
Music: 8.0
Lyrics: 8.0
Production: 9.0
â┚¬Ã…”Five score and seven years agoâ┚¬? is Relient Kâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s new album which is the follow up to the major label debut â┚¬Ã…”mmhmmâ┚¬?. I applaud them for giving this album an actual name instead of just a sound that made you feel ridiculous when said out loud. I was very excited to hear this record because Relient K has always put out quality music, and the same still applies with the new record. The staple of this band has and continues to be the ability to blend the comical and serious sides of life into a beautifully crafted song.
The first song â┚¬Ã…”Plead the fifthâ┚¬? is more of an intro to the record, but it definitely shows off the guyâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s ability to write a catchy melody. â┚¬Ã…”Come right out and say Itâ┚¬? is the next song which is familiar Relient K territory and touches on the subject of wanting to hear the truth instead of a pretty lie to spare someoneâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s feelings. â┚¬Ã…”Must have done something rightâ┚¬?, which is the first single, has been out for awhile and is a good song, but seems to sound better in the context of the other songs on â┚¬Ã…”Five Scoreâ┚¬Ã‚¦Ãƒ¢Ã¢”š¬?. Speaking of the single, my guess is that â┚¬Ã…”Iâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢m taking you with meâ┚¬? will end up being one at some point with its instantly catchy chorus.
â┚¬Ã…”Deathbedâ┚¬?, which is the album closer, comes in at a whopping 11:05 minutes long. The song is told from a first person perspective of someone dying from cancer. The song starts off soft and slow but doesnâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t stay that way long, adding a range of different instruments along the journey. The song also includes a guest vocalist which sounds like Switchfoot lead singer â┚¬Ã…”Jonathan Foremanâ┚¬?.
Iâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ll take the advice from the song â┚¬Ã…”Come right out and say itâ┚¬? and just tell it like it is for this record. This is an album which you will need to put in some time to fully enjoy. I found this album very forgettable the first couple times I listened to it, but it has grown on me. There are a couple of weaker songs scattered on the album but overall a good listen.
I just wasted your time with this review. Buy the record and youâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ll know what I mean.
Track listing
1. Plead the Fifth
2. Come Right Out and Say It
3. I Need You
4. The Best Thing
5. Forgiven
6. Must Have Done Something Right
7. Give
8. Devastation and Reform
9. I’m Taking You With Me
10. Faking My Own Suicide
11. Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care
12. Bite My Tongue
13. Up and Up
14. Deathbed
Article #4 – Music & Innocence pt.2
Music and Innocence, the words aren’t often found next to each other, but when they are, it’s beautiful.
Let me start this by saying I don’t know the people in the bands I’m about to talk about. I don’t know the situations, or what it’s like to be in their shoes. This is simply my perspective, my opinion. Please read part 1 here.
The other night I had a random playlist on, and all of a sudden “San Dimas high school football rules” started playing. The moment it started, I was back in 9th grade. The problems, but also the excitements, of being that age came back like I had never grown up. It’s amazing how a simple song has time travel capabilities. Somehow memories get recorded in the melodies and in the lyrics, like a 3rd dimension that’s added to the song.
I’ve heard some of the new Ataris record “Welcome the night” and I feel betrayed almost. The Ataris were a band I grew up with, and they grew up with me too. People change, music changes, and you can’t do the same things over and over again. But this new record is not “The Ataris”. It may be the same people (or rather 2 of the same people), but it’s not the same band. “Anywhere but here”, “Blue Skies…”, “End is forever”, these were records that felt like they were done with passion. “Welcome the Night” feels like it was done out of greed or something else besides passion.
“Everyone makes mistakes these days, hey nobody’s perfect… but the choices that you make, may involve someone else.“ The Ataris
The last Yellowcard music video I saw was a joke. It was flashy and overdone ultimately coming off boring and cliche. The music video was screaming out “Someone else is calling all the shots, and we don’t care. We just want fame.” The record “Lights and sounds” (in the same way as the video) takes itself too seriously and took all the fun out of a fun band. I miss the days when the music was fun, when the music would speak to people, rather than the music that now just sits there. It feels like they’ve given up on what used to matter.
I don’t hate the bands (and I just use those two bands as examples). I hate the idea of losing something I never thought I would lose. Lying is something that everyone knows is wrong. It’s something you’re just not supposed to do. You’ll lose friends over it, you’ll get fired over it; no one likes being lied to. The same is true with music; nobody wants music that isn’t honest, and no one wants something that’s not real.
The Higher – On Fire

Artist: The Higher
Album: On Fire
Label: Epitaph
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: March 6th, 2007
Overall: 7.5
Music: 7.5
Lyrics: 7.0
Production: 10.0
On the verge of breaking up to then go on to put out what will probably be one of the most well produced, polished, radio friendly records of 2007. The Higher fit into an interesting place in the music spectrum. If I had to categorize â┚¬Ã…”On Fireâ┚¬?, it would get thrown into a pop punk section, and maybe thatâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s correct, yet the album raises the typical pop punk bar a couple of notches.
First thing is first, there are 2 songs they rerecorded, but the songs are so much better and flow so naturally that you might not even realize that they are older songs. There is actually a 3rd song â┚¬Ã…”Pace Yourselfâ┚¬? that is from their last record. Itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s been remixed by Patrick Stump (think FOB) and I still canâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t figure out why they included it on the disc because itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s flat out terrible. The song gets repetitive real fast and offers nothing to the record.
The thing â┚¬Ã…”On Fireâ┚¬? does well is try to give each song a unique feel. â┚¬Ã…”Insuranceâ┚¬? has a sort of salsa mixed with rock feel which is weird at first but strangely compelling. â┚¬Ã…”Can anyone really love youngâ┚¬? is a John Mayer reminiscent love song. And what album would be complete without a string/synth ballad like â┚¬Ã…”Our movie rulesâ┚¬? to close out the full album. This album rarely, if ever, repeats itself in terms of style and feel which is good because too often records are coming with the same song repeated 12 times.
The record reminds me of the catchiness of â┚¬Ã…”Cute is what we aim forâ┚¬? but without the embarrassment of saying you listen to â┚¬Ã…”Cute is what we aim forâ┚¬?. After everything is said and done â┚¬Ã…”On Fireâ┚¬? is definitely worth checking out and most people will probably agree itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s worth the ten bucks.
01. Insurance?
02. Guts
03. Rock My Body
04. Weapons Wired
05. Histrionics
06. Movement
07. Can Anyone Really Love Young
08. Darkpop
09. DARE
10. 31 Floors
11. Our Movie Rules
12. Pace Yourself (Patrick Stump Remix)
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