You can check out a video of Underoath performing “Writing on the Walls” below. The video was shot at their secret MySpace show this past June.
Underoath Back On Tour
Underoath are set to head back out on tour this fall. You can find a message from the band and their upcoming tour dates below.
Now, after taking a brief hiatus to resolve the issues that were threatening the bandâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s existence, UNDEROATH have emerged stronger and more cohesive as a unit than ever before. â┚¬Ã…”Weâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re sorry we had to drop off tour in the Northeast,â┚¬? notes guitarist TIM MCTAGUE. â┚¬Ã…”Our situation was critical and we had to work through old issues that were hindering us from functioning as a band together. Weâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re excited to be back on the road and weâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ll definitely come back to the Northeast in the spring to make things up to our fans.â┚¬? With this new energy, the band will return to the road in September for a Canadian headlining tour with Silverstein, Moneen and He Is Legend. Next, the group heads overseas for the Taste of Chaos international tour with Taking Back Sunday, Thursday and others.
Canadian headlining tour
Thu 9/14 Vancouver, BC Croatian Cultural Center
Sat 9/16 Edmonton, AB Reds Entertainment Complex
Sun 9/17 Calgary, AB MacEwen Hall
Mon 9/18 Saskatoon, SK Prairieland Exhibition Trade
Tue 9/19 Winnipeg, MB Ramada Theatre
Thu 9/21 North Bay, ON The Wall
Fri 9/22 Sudbury, ON On The Rocks
Sat 9/23 Toronto, ON Kool Haus
Mon 9/25 London, ON Centennial Hall
Tue 9/26 Ottawa, ON Civic Center
Wed 9/27 Montreal, UC Metropolis
Thu 9/28 Quebec City, QC Lâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢Imperial Theatre
Taste of Chaos international with Taking Back Sunday, Thursday and others.
Sun 10/8 Auckland, NZ TBA
Tue 10/10 Perth, AU Burswood Dome
Thu 10/12 Adelaide, AU Entertainment Centre
Fri 10/13 Melbourne, AU Vodafone Arena
Sat 10/14 Sydney, AU Entertainment Centre
Sun 10/15 Brisbane, AU Entertainment Centre
Thu 10/19 Osaka, JP Hatch
Fri 10/20 Nagoya, JP ZEPP
Sun 10/22 Tokyo, JP Coast
Wed 10/25 Graz, AT Helmut List Hall
Fri 10/27 Bologna, IT Estragon
Sat 10/28 Winterhur, CH Eishalle Deutweg
Sun 10/29 Brussels, BE Ancienne Belgique
Mon 10/30 Paris, FR Bataclan
Tue 10/31 Tilburg, NL O13
Fri 11/3 Bremen, DE Pier 2
Sat 11/4 Berlin, DE Columbiahalle
Sun 11/5 Munich, DE Zenith
Mon 11/6 Neu-Isenburg, DE Hugenottenhalle
Tue 11/7 Bielefeld, DE Ringlokschuppen
Wed 11/8 Cologne, DE Palladium
Fri 11/10 Birmingham, UK NIA
Sat 11/11 Glasgow, UK SECC 3
Sun 11/12 Manchester, UK Apollo
Mon 11/13 Brighton, UK Centre
Wed 11/15 Dublin, IR Olympia
Fri 11/17 Newcastle, UK Arena
Sat 11/18 London, UK Brixton Academy 1
Mon 11/20 Nottingham, UK Rock City
Tue 11/21 Cardiff, UK Arena
Underoath Are Not Breaking Up
According to a post on Alternative Press, Underoath are not breaking up despite recent rumors. You can read the post below.
Ever since Florida-based post-hardcore sextet Underoath dropped off Warped Tour earlier this summer citing needing “immediate time to focus on our friendship,” rumors have flown that certain band members will be leaving the band, or that the band might actually even be breaking up. AP is incredibly happy to tell you that neither of those two scenarios are the case: The band are back at full speed, according to their manager, Randy Nichols, who wrote us earlier tonight.
“I thought you might be curious to know that Underoath did not break up [and] no one has quit or left the band,” says Nichols. “[They] are about to get back on the road again and do all their touring for the year, and next year, too.”
In the immediate future, this means the band’s Canadian tour with Silverstein and Moneen is still on, as well as their slot on this fall’s Taste Of Chaos International tour alongside Taking Back Sunday, Thursday, Anti-Flag and others. No touring plans for 2007 have been announced yet, but when they are, we’ll bring them to you.
Tooth & Nail Podcast
Tooth & Nail have launched their Inaugural Podcast. You can read the press release and subscribe below.
Seattle, WA – In the over 12 year history of Tooth & Nail Records, the label has made a mark for their brand of up-and-coming musical groups. With over 450 releases through the roster of Tooth & Nail and its offshoot labels, the Seattle based company has only kept growing since its inception in 1993. With bands like Underoath, Anberlin, and Emery leading the current score of groups, todayâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s Tooth & Nail roster has been gracing the covers of magazines, hitting the airwaves, and some of the largest tours in the country.
To keep fans on the cusp of their latest news and music, Tooth & Nail is now launching their first ever podcast, hosted by Tooth & Nail founder and President, Brandon Ebel.
â┚¬Ã…”I am incredibly excited to launch of the first Tooth & Nail Podcast,â┚¬? Ebel explains. â┚¬Ã…”We are going to keep our fans directly informed about upcoming Tooth & Nail releases by providing digital previews of each one. Additionally, we will provide narration to accompany to podcast with the hope of connecting on a more personal level, and giving our fans a little taste of the personality behind the company.â┚¬?
The monthly podcast will give listeners a chance to hear their favorite Tooth & Nail acts as well as check out brand new bands to the label and previously unreleased tracks. The inaugural podcast, for instance, will feature brand new songs from Jonezetta, whose album, â┚¬Ã…”Popularityâ┚¬? streets October 3rd; Starflyer 59, whose album, â┚¬Ã…”My Islandâ┚¬? streets September 12th; and Dead Poetic, whose album â┚¬Ã…”Vicesâ┚¬? streets October 31st.
To subscribe to the podcast, visit:
Underoath – Define The Great Line

Artist: Underoath
Album: Define The Great Line
Label: Tooth & Nail / Solid State
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: June 20, 2006
Overall: 10
Music: 10
Lyrics: 10
Production: 10
Bands are criticized by their musical captivity on their records, their live performance and stage presence, and their overall interaction with their fans (the most important group of people in the music industry). There are some bands that excel only two of the three with excellence, then there are others that only focus on perfecting one and leave the others blank. It is rare to find a band that is outstanding on recordings, intensely driven with stage presence, and sincerely devoted to their fans. When it comes down to thinking of such a band, there is only one that comes to mind that has captivated each essence with perfection.
Underoath was started when the members were in high school and they just wanted to start a band to pursue their love for music and faith. The music in the beginning was heavy, filled with guitar work and destructive vocals by ex vocalist, Dallas Taylor. The band throughout the years has evolved into one of the most respected rock band that is also changing the way we view music. Underoath has stated that they never make a record twice; they enter the record studio with an open mind and set themselves up with no limitations. Never has a statement been so true then with Underoathâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s last record release, Define the Great Line.
Define the Great Line is Underoathâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s finest works and can easily be considered one of the greatest records ever to grace human beingsâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ ears. In a quick summary, the record is an eleven song compilation of their other records added with a new sound never heard before. The record has the guitar works and overall brutal sound from Cries of the Past and Act of Depression. The record has the instrumental aspects and keyboard usage of The Changing of Times. Lastly, the record has the catchy parts of the song that fans can sing back to the band from Theyâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re Only Chasing Safety. Underoath has also managed to bring something new to the table with their ability to experiment and see music with no limitations.
This epic record begins with â┚¬Ã…”In Regards to Myselfâ┚¬?, which sets the listener to what is to come from Define the Great Line. The song begins with the sound of an old fashioned projector being turned on. The projector is interrupted by a catchy guitar part and is joined by the highly impressive screams of Spencer Chamberlain. Throughout the song the listener will begin noticing the heavy yet synchronized guitar work that is an improvement from Theyâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re Only Chasing Safety. Spencer vocals have also improved and the listener is able to notice is wide rage from highs, deeps, and mids. As the song is only getting heavier, drummer and vocalist, Aaron Gillespie breaks free and sings in with a catchy chorus that is overtaken by Spencer, than once again sung by Aaron. The song continues with its heavy essence until it slows down and you hear the perfectly sounding singing of Gillespie. â┚¬Ã…”In Regards to Myselfâ┚¬? is a perfect way to open up the record. It sets the listener up for intensity of the record, the catchy singing of the record, and the honestly written lyrics. With such lines as â┚¬Ã…”What are you afraid of?â┚¬? and â┚¬Ã…”Pull yourself togetherâ┚¬?, it is obvious that Underoath is set with a message to showcase to the world.
â┚¬Ã…”A Moment Suspended in Timeâ┚¬? has less heavy guitar work and brings the listener back to the sound of Theyâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re Only Chasing Safety. The singing and screaming is equally used throughout the track. The song has its slow parts that you can sing along to and it also has its energy boosting moments. Overall, itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s a great song that showcases Underoathâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s talent and experimentation with the keyboard.
â┚¬Ã…”There Could Be Nothing After Thisâ┚¬? starts out with Spencer with a faint scream with a repetitive guitar rhythm behind him. The song is broken into full force after Spencer says â┚¬Ã…”You want to see me disappear, well so do I.â┚¬? Afterwards there is a catchy, dancing type beat with Spencer screaming in the background. The chorus is split between Gillespie and Chamberlain and catchy like any other Underoath chorus. The song stops 30 seconds before the actual song ends and a soft instrumental begins with the soft sounding, non-distortion guitar and piano keys. Overall, a great song that is slightly progressive from TOCS.
â┚¬Ã…”Ever So Invitingâ┚¬? begins with the hard hitting screams of Spencer Chamberlain with honest lyrics to go along with it. The beginning of this song is filled with catchy singing, keyboard, and more of an upbeat feeling to the essence of the song. The keyboard is strongly used in this song and gives the song an overall upbeat feeling that is not only catchy, but uplifting. This song clearly shows the improvement of vocals from Aaron Gillespie, which isnâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t really needed, being that his vocals are some of the best in the music industry already.
â┚¬Ã…”Salmarnirâ┚¬? is the first song Underoath released to the public from Define the Great Line, and an interesting song it was to release first. Itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s slow, and mostly instrumental until you hear spoken word in Russian (at least it sounds Russian). This song is relaxing and serves as an intermission from Underoathâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s energy driven songs filled with every aspect that is the band. It gives off an uplifting essence and leaves the listener reflecting on their thoughts.
â┚¬Ã…”Returning Empty Handedâ┚¬? begins with a constant drum roll but is broken by Spencer Chamberlainâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s screams. It is easy to see that this song is going to be on the heavy side. The guitar work is outstanding and fast paced and something never seen in Theyâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re Only Chasing Safety. Spencer showcases once again his amazing wide range vocal ability. The song is slowed down and singing sets up only to be pushed aside by screaming. This song is beautifully written and makes the listener realize how impressive this record is so far.
â┚¬Ã…”Casting Such a Thin Shadowâ┚¬? starts off instrumental, soft and relaxing for the beginning three minutes and forty seconds. The music builds up along with a faint scream from Spencer. This song has more of an epic feeling with the less intense fast paced music but with the brutal screams still echoing inside your ears.
â┚¬Ã…”Moving For The Sake of Movingâ┚¬? starts off faced paced from the beginning and starts off with a mixture of screaming and singing. The song possesses of all the elements of their last two records. The catchy singing, the keyboard beats, the sincere screaming, the beautifully written lyrics.
â┚¬Ã…”Writing on the Wallsâ┚¬? begins with singing from Aaron Gillespie backed up by keyboard beat. Itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s easy to figure out why this was Underoathâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s first single. This song is the most from Define The Great Line that sounds like their odd stuff from Theyâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re Only Chasing Safety. Overall, a great track that balances every aspect that Underoath has to offer, which is a lot.
â┚¬Ã…”Everyone Looks So Good From Hereâ┚¬? is possibly one of the heaviest tracks on the record, filled with fast paced guitar work, pounding drum beats, keyboard beats, and a breakdown that is rarely seen in Underoath. Itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s a short song, but one of the most brutal and guts wrenching.
â┚¬Ã…”To Whom It May Concernâ┚¬? is the last song on the record and it begins instrumental with everything from drums, guitars, and piano. Afterwards, there is chanting sounding singing that is uplifting and hopeful with lyrics such as â┚¬Ã…”So hold your head up high, and know, itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s not the end of the roadâ┚¬?. This part of the song is motivating, inspiring, and enough to have chills running up your spine. The singing stops, the instrumental slows down, and the screaming and heavy aspect of Underoath breaks free. Itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s not as fast paced as the other songs but the heaviness is still there and the intensity and still echoing your ear drums. The screaming is stopped with the last lines screamed â┚¬Ã…”Itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s not the end of the road for youâ┚¬?. The instrumental part from the beginning enters and so does the chant singing more uplifting lyrics, such as â┚¬Ã…”At the end of the road, youâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ll find what you are looking forâ┚¬?. This is a perfect way to the end the record. It consists of everything Underoath has brought to the table with this record and it is also one of the most hopeful songs you will ever hear.
Define The Great Line is a record that isnâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t made up of eleven singles but made up of eleven songs that compliment each other and only when you listen to the record as a whole, will you begin to understand everything. This is such an epic record that after listening to it twenty times, you still want to listen to it another twenty times. This is one of those records that will never get old. The record is about life and the struggles we face but also how we manage to pull ourselves through the struggles and know that there is always hope for us. From the first track to the last, you are strapped in for a journey that will leave you a different person in the end. The vocals can be taken away from every song on this record and the record will still be outstanding.
Underoathâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s Define The Great Line is one of the most beautifully created and talent showcasing records ever released. This record is everything everyone made it out to be and so much more. If this record isnâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t already in your CD collection than I highly suggest you go out and by it. You will find yourself listening to it constantly and finding truth and hope in the lyrics. Congratulations Underoath, you have created the record of the century.
Track Listing:
1. In Regards to Myself
2. A Moment Suspended in Time
3. There Could Be Nothing After This
4. You’re Ever So Inviting
5. Salmarnir
6. Returning Empty Handed
7. Casting Such a Thin Shadow
8. Moving for the Sake of Motion
9. Writing on the Walls
10. Everyone Looks So Good From Here
11. To Whom It May Concern
News From Cornerstone
I just arrived back home from being at Cornerstone in IL all week. It was a great experience and I hope to go again in the future. I’ll have a review of the week up shortly but for now I have a bunch of news from the festival, some may be new some may be old but they are all great things!
Lovedrug will be releasing an EP this fall to go along with their fall tour. Their new full length is scheduled for a February 07 release.
Copeland will release their new album this Halloween.
Showbread will release their new album “Age of Reptiles” on August 1st. You can check out their new video for their first single “Oh! Emetophobia!” here.
Jonezetta can put on an amazing show. To get ready for their new album download 4 songs here.
mewithoutYou will release their new album on September 26th.
Relient K played a new song that sounded amazing. The band will be heading back to Los Angeles to continue recording their new album next week.
Underoath played possibly their longest set ever on this years main stage. Their set included a mix of old and new songs including a first live performance of several tracks off their new album.
Lakes (prev: Watashi Wa, Eager Seas) will release their new album this fall through The Militia Group.
Here are some great bands to check out:
You can catch some live videos, pictures and more from the festival here.
Underoath Interview May 4th 2006
I had the pleasure of sitting down with Chris Dudley of Underoath on May 4th, 2006 on the third floor of Alley Katz, in Richmond, VA.
– State your name and position in the band.
My name is Chris and I play keyboards and do electronic things for Underoath.
– Give a brief history of the band and the meaning behind on the name.
Um, the history wouldn’t be very brief. We started, you know, a long time ago, we were all just in high school and hanging out. To pretty much make a long story short, you know, a bunch of high school kids wanted to get together and start a metal band. 6 or 7 years later, here we are. And Underoath actually came from someone who has never actually been on an Underoath record. This guy named Luke Morton, he was one of the guys, you know, started in the band. Just like a friend from high school and stuff. He got it from somewhere in the Bible, but I really have no idea where, honestly, I haven’t talked to him in years.
– How does it feel to be back on tour again since your break?
Amazing, so good. Last night was pretty rough because like, we just flew back from Europe. We’re trying to get over jetlag, getting used to being on tour, and playing a show at the same time. So at the end of the night we were all, like we crashed really hard. Today we feel really good.
– What is the one thing from home you are going to miss the most?
My wife and my dogs. But if it’s only one then my wife. That’s pretty much the only thing that…
You can bring everything else but you can’t really bring her, well you can but..
You can, but it just doesn’t really work out like that. But missing her is pretty much the only thing that makes me miss home. Like everything else, if she wasn’t there, I could be on tour 12 months a year and I wouldn’t care, you know.
– What aspect of being on tour makes it worthwhile to be away from home?
All of it, every bit of it. I don’t see there being any real downside to being on tour. That’s kind of the way I see it.
– How was your experience in Sweden & how do you think the videos came out?
The experience in Sweden was honestly one of the best things I’ve ever done. Just seeing the way life is there, the way people are is so different than the way it is in America. It was amazing, like I, I think it was one of my most memorable things we’ve done since I’ve been in the band. The videos, we haven’t actually seen any sort of an edit of them yet. But even from what we saw on the playback while we were shooting it, I think it’s going to turn out awesome. We’re really excited.
– In your opinion, what is one show that has stood out throughout the
years? Why?
One show…probably for me, it’s really hard to narrow it down.
So many shows…
Yeah, so many shows but one show that was really memorable was, a few months ago we played with Jimmy Eat World in Tallahassee. It was a free show at a college campus, it was just us and them. Jimmy Eat World has been one of my favorite bands, well, pretty much my favorite band for a really long time. They requested us to be on the show, so like it was pretty surreal playing and them getting up right after us.
Playing with one of the bands you idolize.
Yeah, exactly. And having them thank us for playing and we’re just like “Dude, no way dude, thanks for asking us.” That was one show that was really memorable for me.
– What is the most out of the ordinary thing you have seen at one of your
Wow, a lot of stuff.
If you could pick one, the craziest thing you have seen at show.
We played a show in Atlanta once, the Warped Tour in Atlanta two years ago. They had us like on this really small stage and it was a wood barricade, it wasn’t metal, so the kids broke the barricade down and they all started coming up on stage and it was awesome. We were just playing and everyone was having fun. Then the security showed up and they were telling us to stop playing but there was really no reason to stop playing, just cause kids were on the stage, we didn’t really care. And then the police showed up and they were threatening to arrest us for inciting a riot and we almost got kicked off the tour and it was crazy. I mean, nothing really happened it was just like…
How people handled it.
Yeah but even the kids, everyone was just having fun but the security guys were freaking out. It was just this whole big mess, but it ended up being fine. Yeah, that was a pretty crazy day.
– What made you decide to stay with Tooth and Nail and not sign with any
major record label?
Um, a lot of things, pretty much the jest of it being the way that most major labels do business is not really right for us. I don’t think a lot of major record labels get what we do and what bands like in our “scene” do. Like they, I actually got asked this question the other day and I said, like major records can get Madonna and get how 50 Cent can sell however many records he sells but they don’t understand a heavy band that sells hundreds, two, three, four hundred thousand records and that’s like all that they want to do. With “They’re Only Chasing Safety”, our goal for that record for the year was 50,000 and we never thought we were even going to sell that. But you can’t do that being on a major record label if you don’t sell half a million records, you’re a failure. And a lot of times even if you do sell half a million records they’re like “Why is it doing so bad?” And the people that work at Tooth and Nail are, they’re awesome.
I’ve heard a lot of really great things about them.
Yeah, yeah. They’re great people and they’re friends before they’re label people, which is pretty much unheard of from what I know. We’ve never been on another label, but that’s the way it is for us and yeah, just good dudes. There is no reason for us to go anywhere.
– How would you compare and contrast the new record with the rest?
Wow, um.
Yeah, they are really different from each other.
Yeah, I guess in that way I can say it’s as much as a change as we have ever had from record to record, I can say that. I don’t know how much of our stuff you’re familiar with but every record we’ve put out is way different than the one before it and in that way it’s the same. It’s way different than the last record. It’s nothing like super intentional, that’s what came out when we went to write and that’s the way its always has been for us. To compare and contrast, I could sit here for an hour and talk about stuff. In a nutshell, it’s a lot different. It’s a lot heavier, it’s a lot, more technical. It’s way better written than anything we’ve ever done. Has more energy than anything we’ve ever done, by far. Just more fun.
– What is the meaning behind the title of the record?
Um, honestly I wouldn’t be the right one to ask that because Spencer, he deals with all the vocal stuff. But in a nutshell, it’s like defining that line for yourself because you are wanting to become the man or the woman that you want to be and the man or the woman God wants you to be and the man or the woman other people want you to be. But you can’t like fall off one way or the other, you just have to find that line and that way to live your life and for some people it takes their whole lives. In a nutshell, it’s about that.
– What are your feelings with the record being leaked through the internet?
It sucks. Yeah, it’s not as bad because it wasn’t the finished product at all, its missing parts, its not mixed, its not mastered, its very not done. Actually I was just talking to a friend of mine about this the other day and he was like, he compared it to somebody but not finishing their sentences. You don’t want to hear a sentence that is only half done or watch a movie before it’s done being edited because you don’t get what is going on. It sucks but the reaction that we’ve gotten from it, is awesome. You know, even though its not a finished product, people are saying that they love it. So that’s cool and I hope that they’ll actually go and get the real record.
I’m going to be honest, I got it from the owner of the magazine, he sent it over.
Oh, the finished thing?
I’m not sure but he got it somehow and he told me not to send it to anyone and I haven’t. I mean, I listened to it and it was amazing.
Yeah, that probably wasn’t done. That’s probably what got taken from the studio.
Yeah, when I first found out that so many people were getting it, I was upset. I know you guys worked so hard on it and just waiting for June 20th and it just sucks. But honestly, every person that I know that has it, has said amazing things about it.
Yeah but the thing that sucks is its not so much we’re waiting for June 20th for it to come out, but it sucks because it’s not ready. We’ve been writing it for 2 and a half years and putting just everything we have to it and it just got taken when its not done, when its not what we’ve been working towards for the last past 2 and half years.
Yeah, its not as it’s greatest.
Yeah, yeah. It’s not like no one is going to hear the finished product but for the past 2, 2 and half years, we’ve been working towards what’s going to be on the CD, like the artwork, the way that it sounds and everything. What people are hearing is like a premature thing of that. We just want to be like ” No, no! That’s not it, don’t listen to it, wait till we give it to you done.”
– When you first entered the band, what expectations and goals did you have set out? How have they changed throughout the years?
It’s changed a lot in that when I first joined, the only thing we wanted to was, which is still true, we just wanted to write music and play it, you know? If we could play a show every now and then, that was cool. That hasn’t changed so much but we still just love doing this, we love writing music, we love, you know playing and we’re a Christian band so that’s the main thing for us. We just wanted to glorify God through our music and that’s all we cared about and but now it’s like, all this stuff that we honestly we don’t want to deal with, like with tour contracts and radio clauses and merch sales and contracts with record labels and tour expenses and all this stuff. And like honestly, we just try to stay out of it as much as possible because it doesn’t really interest us, we don’t really care about all that stuff, we’re just like “We want to go on the road and we want to play, you know?” It’s cool cause we’re now to the point where we can just hire people to deal with all that stuff so we don’t really have to. It’s stuff that we really don’t care about. But when we first started, we never thought that any of this would happen. I know you hear people say like “We never thought this would happen” but like, we never even aspired to do anything close to what we’re doing now because it’s like, “That’s never going to happen, so we won’t think about that. But dude, if we could play a show at Will’s Pub down the street, that would be awesome.” You know, in all honesty, all this stuff is such a blessing. God has really done a whole a lot within the last past few years and it’s really cool.
– What is the biggest misconception fans make regarding the band?
Um, that we’re cooler than we are. I think people tend to like, people have this thing of like “Oh they’re in Underoath,” and they think we’re really cool, but we’re totally not. It’s really weird to me when someone comes up and they’re like freaking out and asking for autographs and all this stuff. Well you know, 2 or 3 years ago if you would of met me walking down the street, you really wouldn’t have cared. Nothing has changed since then except we’ve put out records and gone on tour. Yeah but that’s probably the biggest misconception, that we’re something a lot cooler and better than we are.
– In your opinion, what has been the greatest accomplishment?
Oh, wow. That’s a big one. Right now I would probably have to say finishing this record. But there’s been so much stuff that has happened and that is happening at the moment. I’ll say the record right now is probably the biggest thing.
– Who or what, outside of the music industry, has influenced you the most?
– Everything has. You know, obviously God is the reason we do it, we’re an Christian band and stuff. But you get inspired by everyday things, just meeting random people on tour, you know, just living life and being a dude. That influences you. Obviously you get inspired by music and other people’s music. More so, we get inspired by living life and just being a dude.
– What are some things that make you upset more than anything else (inside
and outside the music industry)?
Oh wow. I try not to focus on too much on what makes me upset. Wow, that’s a big question. I think , I don’t know if this is my answer, it’s just something that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. But I think ungratefulness as a whole in people, especially in this country is a big thing for me. Like seeing things that I’ve seen and meeting people that I’ve met, like I think that people are extremely ungrateful for having the things that they have. People, especially in America and society, they find things that they can complain about that are just ridiculous. You know as cliché and stupid as it sounds, there are people overseas that just dying and have things going on in their lives and the dude down the street is complaining because he has a flat tire on his Lexus. That’s something to me that upsets me a lot, people not realizing how well they have it. Even if you are someone in America that is living at the poverty line, you are still living better than 60% of the people on the planet. You know, I don’t know if that’s again, my answer, but it is, but it’s just something that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately.
– If you were forced to change the name of the band, what would you change
it to? Why?
Meatbeard. I’m doing a solo project right now and that, not a solo project, a side project, sorry. I’m doing a side project right now and that is one of the names we were thinking about being and I just thought it was really funny. So Meatbeard.
– If there was book being written about Underoath, how would it begin,
what would be the climax, and how would it end?
It would begin…wow, that’s a big question too. (thinks for a while) I have no idea because the beginning of it could be in any number of places. The climax of it, I don’t even know if its happened yet, and I don’t know what the end of it would be. So pretty much I have no idea. But when the band is done and we’re broke up, then I can tell you.
– Is there anything else you want the readers to know?
Come and hang out at our shows. If you want to, you can buy our record, it comes out June 20th. And if you don’t, you don’t have to, you can download it. But then if you like it, you can buy it. And if you don’t, then you won’t waste your $15 bucks.
I missed a question, is it cool if I ask it?
Yeah, yeah. No problem man.
– In your opinion, what is the biggest issue and problem facing the
current state of society? You kind of already touched up on this.
I would say that’s probably it. I was also talking to our guitar player the other day about just big things in general and we got on the topic of the planet and pollution and things like that. Al Gore actually just put out a movie, sounds kind of funny to say, but I don’t remember the name of it but I saw a couple clips of it. It’s really interesting talking about how for the past 20 years or 30 years, you know, scientists all over the world have been screaming and being like, the planet is dying, global warning, pollution, etc. And it seems like everyone has kind of like, not paid attention.
Like no one really cares about it.
Yeah, like it doesn’t, “I’m not dying when I walk outside so I’m not going to worry about it.” I think that that is a really big thing because our kids’ kids are going to be living in a world that..
Even if it doesn’t effect us, it’s going to effect them.
Yeah, it’s going to be our doing. It’s totally off the subject, well not really but actually on Warped Tour this year, all of the production buses and all of the semi trucks and everything are going to be running on bio-diesel fuel. So like every vehicle that is in Warped Tour is not going to create a bit of pollution which is pretty cool. It takes things like that, like people taking steps to be able to change the way things are.
If someone does it then someone else is going to and then someone else.
Yeah, you can’t wait for someone else to do it, someone else isn’t always going to do it.
If someone says they aren’t going to do it because someone else is, then someone might say the same thing and it will never get done.
Yeah, yeah. And that’s why scientist have been talking about global warming for the past 20 years and now it’s still happening but still nothing is happening. I sound really cheesy and green and like a tree hugger but whatever.
underOATH Interview October 18th, 2005
I had the honor of sitting down with Spencer of underOATH before their show in Fargo, ND on October 18th 2005. We talk about their tour with Thrice, their upcoming studio time,new album, and other good things.
Bryce: Can we get your name and position in the band?
Spencer: My name is Spencer and I do vocals.
Bryce: How has your tour been going with Thrice?
Spencer: It’s been awesome, the shows have been awesome. Everyone on the tour is really cool. We’ve known everyone but Veda for longer then this tour.
Bryce: Have you toured with Thrice before?
Spencer: No, unless you count Warped Tour. Its like when we met them and The Bled we’ve toured with a couple of times before.
Bryce: You guys are going back into the studio soon. What can we expect with your new album?
Spencer: We go into the studio in January and we are going with Adam D who did Killswitch. We’re trying to record something that you know if you see us live we are completely different from CD. A lot of stuff thats hard for people to capture for some reason, it gets dried out and kind of stale feeling. We’re hoping that someone like Adam who is our friend before he’s a producer to us you know like someone that’s excited about us even if we aren’t recording with him and not someone who’s just excited about getting paid. Not saying thats how lots of people are but that’s how a lot of producers are. Like we were on tour with them and we were writing new songs and he was excited and thats hopefully something that will shine through our new recordings. All of us having fun and just being awesome so hopefully that will come through when you hear the CD you will be able to tell we’re having a good time and you can tell that the people who are working on it are excited.
Bryce: You don’t have to sell yourself to him.
Spencer: Right, yeah.
Bryce: Do you guys have a specific writing process?
Spencer: Not really. Someone will come up with an idea like a riff for an example and that will be like Tim or me or someone who’s playing guitar coming up with something. If we’re home we’ll work on it a lot at home but this last two years we haven’t really been home. Normally on sound check we’ll play around or we’ll play around in the back of our bus we have like a crappy little thing to record with. But now that we have the basic sculpting done on tour and then we come home and we practice every day when we are at home and we just tear it up and what goes wear and switch stuff around. It’s a long process but it’s cool because you get to sit on it for a while even though that happens all the time no matter what.
Bryce: Are you looking forward to going back to the studio?
Spencer: I’m not looking forward to being home. I go crazy when I’m at home because i’ve got nothing to do. I am looking forward to going into the studio for sure. We have like eight songs done already, like done. Like we’re almost done with the record.
Bryce: Will we hear any new ones tonight?
Spencer: Yeah you will.
Bryce: Your the second vocalist for this band. Do you still get people comparing you to Dallas?
Spencer: It’s been over two years, its like a totally different thing.
Bryce: What if someone says I like the old underOATH better?
Spencer: I understand why someone would say they don’t like the last record. I don’t even like all the last record. Thats what we were into at that time. The record we are about to record is completely different. It’s heavier then any underOATH record. It’s not metal it’s just really heavy and some people will be really excited and probably some people who like us now might not be but that’s never our concern. If your concerned of what people are going to think then your going to writ crappy records. There are six of us so to get six of us to record something its the best it could possibly be.
Bryce: Your Special Edition version of “They’re Only Chasing Safety” just came out. Was it your idea to release it?
Spencer: It was kinda the labels idea. We’ve been doing video stuff forever and it was kind the labels idea to do a re-release thing because that seems like something all the bands are doing these days. We were really strict about it being the same price as the regular record. We were just like the DVD has to be really good, we want kids to buy it because it’s worth it not to make more money. We don’t make money off that crap anyways (laughter) we make our money on tours. We were a little worried about it at first but when we got the edit for the DVD we were pretty like I think kids will be stoked about it. Everyone we have talked to was like dude we’ve watched it like ten times. There are like bands that I’m really into and if they re-release something i would go out and buy it. And same thing if they like release the digapack instead of the hard case, i’ll go buy it. It’s worth it and having like a DVD that’s funny is worth it. Selling a DVD alone is like so weird because stores are going to overcharge for it, we are going to try and do a full DVD but that’s so hard to do so we might wait and put it out with the next record. But we thought that was the coolest way to get the DVD out.
Bryce: The videos on the DVD are funny and thats like what you guys get to do in your free time right?
Spencer: Ya we get to mess around a lot in our free time.
Bryce: Do you guys have any pre show rituals?
Spencer: Like normal stretching and pumping yourself up before the show. We always pray before we go on. I warm up every day.
Bryce: Is that all the exercise you get?
Spencer: Normally when the first band goes on I go warm up somewhere and come back and watch the band before us, for me.
Bryce: What can we find in your tour bus?
Spencer: The company we rent from it always costs the same and sometimes you get a nicer bus and sometimes you don’t. They all have TV’s but we bring like our own XBox and stuff. Grant is probably in the bus right now playing games. (laughter)
Bryce: Do you have any favorite places to tour?
Spencer: Well we’re from the south east so down there is always awesome. California is always awesome, and Texas is always good as well. I like being everywhere, I mean there are definitely places that are better then others where kids are just like more excited about what’s going on.
Bryce: Are you listening to anything in particular at the moment?
Spencer: Right now I got the new Sigur Ros thats really good, the new Pelican record thats pretty good, just older stuff.
Bryce: Are you into newer stuff?
Spencer: Umm, like what’s going on now?
Bryce: Yeah, like Thrice’s new record?
Spencer: Yeah Thrice’s new record is pretty good. But most stuff thats going on right now I’m not really into. I’m not saying that we are anything special or awesome but most things that are like cool right now I’m not really into. The bands I’m into are like Botch, Isis, Red Sparrows, Radiohead, and Sigur Ros. Weirder bands like that, but nothing thats really like indie whatever popular like Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance kind of stuff I’m not into that stuff. I like those dudes as people but whatever that scene is has taken over.
Bryce: How was the Taste of Chaos tour?
Spencer: That was awesome.
Bryce: What has been one of your favorite tours?
Spencer: There are things about every tour. Like warped tour when this past record came out seeing things grow. We were out there passing out records working our butts off in the heat and seeing it pay off in the end was cool. Things like Taste of Chaos which is like a huge opportunity that you don’t get all the time and headlining. I can’t really pick a favorite all the tours have stuck out.
Bryce: What do you think is the difference between a christian band today then one ten years ago?
Spencer: There’s not much difference at all thats what sucks about christian music. Like we try to do something different. I look at us as just another band in the secular market like with all these other hardcore bands and we just happen to be a christian band that has different beliefs. We’re the sore thumb we’re like not in the christian scene that’s doing something different. We went to this christian award show one time and it was the weirdest thing I’ve ever been to. That to me is like I know why people hate christians and think the scene is lame and the people are lame cause for the most part they are, that’s why we are here trying to change it.
Bryce: I think it’s way more acceptable today.
Spencer: Right, it’s acceptable because it’s not forced. We don’t get up there and say your going to hell because you don’t believe what we believe thats a bunch of crap. I know when I was 15 and going to hardcore metal shows and I didn’t believe in God that wasn’t what was going to help me out at all.
Bryce: Bands that get on the radio like Switchfoot and all those that are christian makes people look at it different look at it different but they have to figure it out for themselves.
We are interrupted by a man running through the curtains and tripping while trying to get outside to get cell phone reception. Watch where your going buddy, lol.
Bryce: Are you guys going to be on Warped Tour next year?
Spencer: Hopefully, we don’t know yet but we’ve been on the last two years a bit. Its hot and you hear a lot of the same thing everyday but its good for bands and kids who might not get out to a normal show.
Bryce: Well thanks for hanging out Spencer. We all look forward to your new record and seeing you again.
Spencer: Cool, thanks!
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