Drive-Thru Records has a 2008 sampler available for stream/download here. The sampler includes songs from Socratic, Ace Enders, House of Fools, Say No More, Biirdie, Roark and more.
Roark – Break of Day

Artist: Roark
Album: Break of Day
Label: LoveMinusZero
Purchase: WestAspen
Release Date: February 20th, 2007
Overall: 9.0
Music: 9.3
Lyrics: 9.0
Production: 8.8
To be completely honest, I haven’t had the had the pleasure to listen to a CD of this genre that was this good since Copeland’s latest release. Roark, a stickler for melody, and trust me it shows, crafted a simply amazing listening experience that I have been unable to put down since my first listen through.
Break of Day, the first release from the new lable <3-0 (LoveMinusZero) has it’s share of up’s and down’s. I say that in a good way though, based on the fact that the subject of many of Roark’s tracks are on Death, Relationships and Love. However, let me warn you right now, if you’re looking for some ass kickin’ rock and roll, you best look elsewhere, because, although this cd rocks, it rocks on a whole different level.
I highly recomend that everyone checks out the <3-0 website as snipit’s of each track are available to listen. It doesn’t do any track justice, but should provide everyone with a chance to hear, what should be, one of the best new pop/rock/indie cd’s this year. Break of Day get’s my vote for ‘sleeper hit’ of the last few months.
Be sure to check out the Roark contest taking place right now here with Driven Far Off. You could be the proud owner of a signed copy of Break of Day.
Be sure to check out the conest Driven Far Off is running right now with Drive-Thru Records and <3-0 to become the proud owner of a signed Break of Day CD.
- Never Felt So Lucky â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 04:19
- Into Pieces â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 03:20
- Movin’ On â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 04:49
- Today (Perfect) â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 04:03
- Letters â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 03:07
- Brighter Side â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 03:55
- Broken Smile â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 05:58
- Song From The T.V. â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 04:05
- All Of The Riches â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 03:26
- Ask Myself â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 04:13
- Take It Slow â┚¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 04:00
Love Minus Zero Recordings
Love Minus Zero Recordings is a new independent record label from Richard Reines and Stefanie Reines, co-owners of Drive-Thru Records. The labels first release will be “Break of Day” from New Jersey singer-songwriter Roark, on February 20th.ԚÂ They will also be releasing a full-length album from Birdie on April 3rd. Check out the labels MySpace page for more information. You can sign up for the LMZ email newsletter here.