Artist: Dreams of University
Album: Morning Rearrangement
Label: Unsigned
Purchase: CD Baby
Release Date: April 7th, 2009
Overall: 8.0
Music: 7
Lyrics: 6.5
Production: 8.5
Morning Rearrangement is fun. I was hesitant at first, as Dreams of University’s sound greatly resembles that of Fall Out Boy, but after listening to the choruses of “6:45” and “Drop Down”, I was excitedly refreshed. Each upbeat song seems to have a surprise hook within its first minute in the form of pace changes and lyrical alterations.
While it will undoubtedly evoke some dance moves from you, the EP will not tap on your heartstrings nor inspire you with deep, metaphorical lyrics. Vocals alone, Zimmerman (lead vocalist) lacks the range that would have surely boosted the EP an extra level, and he often rushes through a set, seeming to speak whimsically rather than truly sing. The lyrics alone are shallow and also hold little power, but they are thankfully void of the annoying repetition that many new bands implement in their lyrics. However, whatever Morning Rearrangement may lack, it makes up for it with its instrumentals, and there is no denying that this combined arrangement works incredibly well to produce an overall solid beginning for the upcoming band.
With its completely catchy chorus and guitar riffs, “Lily Love” stands out as my favorite track, urging you to dance around the room singing along with friends. “Drop Down” begins with a softer side of Zimmerman’s vocals that is greatly lacked yet desired on the EP, and momentarily offers a needed reprieve. Once again, the chorus will draw you in and keep you listening to the rest of the EP. The final track, “This Quiet Boy”, offers smooth guitar backings near the end of the song that really adds a final punch on the EP’s end.
Morning Rearrangement has the rare ability that enables listeners to find in it at least one favorable quality, regardless of the vast music paths they may follow. However, one may wonder if this easy likeability factor is attributed to the album’s often generic sound. Regardless, Morning Rearrangement makes for a fantastic summer soundtrack, and don’t be surprised when you are humming a chorus to yourself later.
Track Listing
1. 6:45
2. Drop Down
3. Lily Love
4. Yellow Sunglasses
5. This Quiet Boy