Artist: The Klaxons
Album: Myths Of The Near Future
Label: Geffen
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: March 27, 2007
Overall: 7.0
Music: 9.0
Lyrics: 8.5
Production: 9.5
Another dance record from the UK; it’s not the first, and it certainly wont be the last. With that being said though, “Myths Of The Near Future” is far cry from a bad or bland record. Dance records are not hard to come by these days, but the Klaxons have added their own touches to the age-old recipe. For one thing, nearly all the songs on the record rely heavily on guitars, unlike most bands in their genre. The guitars combined with the well placed feedback, and the ferocious drumming throughout the album make for a gritty, raw sound that most dance records dismiss. It works for The Klaxons however, and is perhaps their most distinguishing factor.
The vocals are another strong point of the album. Singer Jamie Reynolds displays incredible range and versatility on each of the songs. This is most notable in Gravity’s Rainbow, and Golden Skans, but is certainly not limited to the two. Every song possesses certain vocal qualities that vary often throughout the album. Another interesting aspect is the incredibly catchy It’s Not Over Yet, a cover song originally by Grace. I was surprised to see the band put a cover on their record since it is not often done, but it was unquestionably a good choice, as it is one of the strongest songs musically on the album. The songs come together impeccably, creating an album for listeners that is both musically interesting, as well as extremely lively and fun. Although The Klaxons might hail from a genre of music you may not listen to often, this album is worth giving a try; you may be pleasantly surprised.
Track Listing
1. Two Receivers
2. Atlantis To Interzone
3. Golden Skans
4. Totem On The Timeline
5. As Above So Below
6. Isle Of Her
7. Gravity’s Rainbow
8. Forgotten Works
9. Magick
10. It’s Not Over Yet
11. Four Horsemen Of 2012