Artist: Hellogoodbye
Album: Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!
Label: Drive-Thru
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: August 8, 2006
Overall: 7.8
Music: 7.6
Lyrics: 7.3
Production: 7.9
Waiting and patience are just a few of the things hellogoodbye fans had to go through these past three years. The band originally put out a free EP in 2004 and have been touring / writing new material ever since. It is only now that we can finally get a full collection of songs from the band. Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! is the title of the bands debut full-length as they continue their fun and catchy sound while mixing in some more dance beats and melodies.
Bringing in the album is “All Your Love” where we hear a familiar dance/rock beat that we have come too know from the band. The vocals are done well but the addition of electronic effects actually drag the song on giving it almost to much of a dance feel. If you want even more of a dance song then “Here (In Your Arms)” is the song for you. Filled with full electronics and hardly any guitar/bass parts this doesn’t seem like the type of song that should be on this album but they had to do at least one with a full electronic feel. After the first two tracks I was happy to hear “All Time Lows” which actually sounds like a hellogoodbye track. Well done keyboards and an actual guitar part give the song a nice lift up to the standards we all expected from this album. “Stuck To You” continues with the full band sound this time giving us a funky intro and dance along guitar parts throughout the song. “Oh, It Is Love” brings the tempo of the album down on this mellow acoustic track. The lyrics sound strangely familiar but it’s probably because they are so easy to catch onto and sing. Now for “Baby, It’s Fact” you can take “Oh, It Is Love” speed it up and you have almost the same song. “Figures A And B (Means You And Me)” is a good showcase of the full band playing and doing what they do best.
When I first took a listen to this album I was pleased by its variety and different styles. After listening more I could tell what tracks were going to stand out and what ones felt weak, but that’s the case with almost every album. Overall it’s great to finally hear some more music from hellogoodbye and this album should please previous fans with its catchy choruses and electronic beats.
Track Listing:
1. All Of Your Love
2. Here (In Your Arms)
3. All Time Lows
4. Stuck To You
5. Homewrecker
6. Oh, It Is Love
7. Baby, Itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s Fact
8. Figures A And B (Means You And Me)
9. I Saw It On Your Keyboard
10. Touchdown Turnaround (Donâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t Give Up On Me)
11. Two Weeks In Hawaii