Drew Danburry is giving away money if you help him promote his music.
I just started a new promotion project where I will be giving away money in a raffle to anyone who helps me promote this new album “Goodnight Gary”. Friends, Facebook, Blogs, whatever. I don’t have much money to give away, but I really want to show my appreciation to anyone who feels like showing theirs. The winners will be chosen by random DOT org
The event on Facebook is here, so if you want to spread the word on the event as well….well…I’ll appreciate it:
What I decided to do is this, I’ll be giving away 100 dollars, 50 dollars and 25 dollars. Anyone who posts all three links below is submitted to win all three. Anyone who posts the first two links is submitted to win 50 dollars and 25 dollars. Anyone who posts the first link can win 25 dollars. I would appreciate it if you wrote some kind words when you post the links as well (ideas are listed below) That’s not much effort for that kind of money right? And I’m too broke to afford more than that. Ha ha.
So here are the links:
1. Website – http://www.drewdanburry.com
2. Album Purchase Link – http://www.amazon.com/Goodnight-Gary/dp/B00345F9M2
3. Facebook Fan Page – http://www.facebook.com/drewdanburry
And here are some ideas of what to say when posting links:
Drew Danburry has a new album that came out Feb 9th that you can listen to from start to finish on his website. You can also download plenty of free songs there too. (link 1)
You can purchase the new Drew Danburry album here. (link 2)
You can hear the whole album on his Facebook Fan Page’s Music Player, as well as become a fan! (link 3)
Thanks so much. I’d really appreciate your help in spreading the word on this new album and really appreciate your help or at least your consideration in reading this far.
Drewp.s. The second installment of the Reliving the 90’s video series is up.
People can subscribe to the Youtube Channel at:http://www.youtube.com/user/Relivingthe90s2009
and watch the new episode here: