Chaser will be playing in Vegas on th 17th and will be doing Flashrock in Los Angeles on September 9th. Check out their myspace for more upcoming shows and news.
Chaser – Numb America

Artist: Chaser
Album: Numb America
Label: Felony Records
Purchase: CD Baby
Release Date: 2006
Overall: 8.0
Music: 7.5
Lyrics: 8.0
Production: 8.0
Numb America is an album that will be compared to Pennywise and Western Addiction. Although they have two different sounds, you will find a similarity to them in the band Chaser.
I listened to it once, and thought it was good punk music with great lyrics. Then I set the album aside for some time and found myself listening to it again to see if I still felt the same. That second time around I found myself listening to “Status”, “Autopilot: Mind Your Own”, “Set It Off” and “Great Unknown” with the volume turned up a little more than previously set. This is a punk band with a California edge. Your going to have your political songs with the fast paced rhythm and the song about the O.C scene…or lack of according to them but its a great package of music your going to have. The reason I compared them above to Pennywise and Western Addiction was that in some songs I heard a similarity to Pennywise earlier work and then as I was shuffling through my ipod for another similarity I found Western Addiction. Although Western Addiction sound is faster and harder they both have that punk rock edge that I feel Chaser holds. This record is quite good and whether they get to be as big as Pennywise, Bad Religion or any other punk band its up to you, we’ll have to wait and see.
Track Listing
1. New Beginning
2. Status
3. Numb America
4. California Redemption
5. Autopilot: Mind Your Own
6. Set it Off
7. Know Your Way
8. Dust in the Wind
9. World Routing
10. Great Unknown
11. Business Plan
12. Existence is All We Share
13. Backup (All the Arms We Need)
14. An Ode to Orange County and its Scene, or Lack Thereof