Artist: Pete Nischt
Album: The Free EP
Label: Regular Music
Purchase: Regular Music
Release Date: October 2006
Overall: 8.0
Music: 8.0
Lyrics: 8.0
Production: 7.0
What is better than free? Not much and what is the best marketing tool? Give things away for free. Well I had not heard of Pete Nischt before downloading his free EP (and I’m still unsure of how to pronounce his last name) but I know this won’t be the last time either.
This EP is chalked full of potential. It reminds me so much of the first time I heard Dashboard Confessional, not so much the voice but the style, and the rawness that a singer/song writer and his acoustic guitar tend to have. Also there was an acoustic singer/song writer that went under the name “Remember Maine” with a similar style who later went on to front a little band called “The Academy Is…” so don’t under estimate the potential that lies in the simple single instrument bands.
The record starts off with one of the catchier songs “Hello Denver”. Despite having only the acoustic guitar the EP does stay upbeat most of the time with a big ending plea in the last song “June”. This EP is better than average. Mostly it’s a great chance to get acquainted with someone you will more than likely be hearing more from in the future. This release is definitely worth your time to go download it, and definitely worth the price.
Track listing
1. Hello Denver
2. Second Second Chances
3. Sandbox
4. Stars
5. June