Nevertheless are streaming a new song titled “Sleeping In” on their MySpace page. The song comes from the bands new album, In The Making…, that hits shelves on September 19th.
Nevertheless Interview September 18, 2006
DrivenFarOff was lucky enough to interview Joshua Pearson from rock ensemble Nevertheless on their upcoming album Live Like We’re Alive due in stores September 19, 2006.
For introductory purposes, please state your name and position in the band.
Joshua- Lead Vocals and Acoustic Guitar
So your debut record is about to go live in just over a week, what are your feelings right now?
We are both excited and scared. We have put so much hard work and passion into the record, but I guess you never know how people will like it. That is the crazy thing about being an artist.
â┚¬Ã…”Live Like Weâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re Aliveâ┚¬? is the bandâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s first release with Flicker, but you guys self-released an EP, From The Inside Looking In, early last year. How would you contrast the music and motivations between these releases?
The EP was written at a different place in our lives. The songs were more just forms of free thought musically and lyrically. I would say that we thought the new record out more and prepared a great deal more than we did with the EP.
You worked with the renowned James Paul Wisner on this release. How did James change the way you approached making the album?
First of all, we have always wanted to work with James. He brought out the emotion that we wanted, and he taught us a great deal about the dynamics of a song. We really concentrated on each individual part and only did things which we felt would make the song better as a whole.
What was your favorite part about making the album?
Itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s hard to pick a favorite part. One great thing was just to be so focused on a single thing in our lives for a long period of time. For two months, we ate, slept, and breathed the album. That was tiring and rewarding.
Any interesting stories to share while your were in the studio?
One interesting thing is that, at first, none of us wanted the song, â┚¬Ã…”Timeâ┚¬?, on the record. We fought everyone about that song and insisted that it didnâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t make the record. It took doing a demo of it in the studio and beefing it up a bit for us to see that it was, in fact, a great song. We are all happy with the outcome now!
How did Kevin Kadish add to the writing process?
Kevin is really a genius when it comes to knowing how to write a great song. I feel like we may have some good ideas, but Kevinâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s strength is seeing a song in its completion. He is great with melody and very deliberate with songwriting. That taught us a lot!
Personally, whatâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s your favorite track on the record and why?
It changes every week it seems, but I really love â┚¬Ã…”Live Like Weâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re Aliveâ┚¬?. We wrote that song about being in this band and giving all we have to this even when there is opposition. Every day it seems there is something that could bring us down if we let it. We have to constantly make the choice to give one hundred percent.
As a Christian band, do you think you have more obligations to tell some sort of message in your songs than a non-faith oriented group? And if you think you do, why choose the medium of music to get that message out?
There is an obligation, but it also comes naturally with our writing. We try to write songs that are real to us and that can also relate to the lives of others. Honestly, our initial goal was to write songs because we all loved music, but now we see that God wants to use us to encourage people. It is a humbling thing to be able to encourage people in their lives with testimonies from your own life.
Explain the how you chose the album title â┚¬Ã…”Live Like Weâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢re Aliveâ┚¬?.
Well, as I explained earlier, that song is very important to us. After we wrote it, we thought that it would be great title track to sum up the whole album as well.
You recently shot a video for your single â┚¬Ã…”The Real,â┚¬? what was that experience like? Who did you work with?
We worked with a company called Film Stray Dog on the music video. It was a great experience! We were at the venue from about 4 PM until 4 AM, so we were super tired when it was over. It was our first time being on film at such high caliber, so it was rewarding and fun to watch!
What do you think is the hardest part about being in a band?
There are many hard parts, but the hardest is usually being with four other people a hundred percent of the time. We really are trying to learn to be servants to each other and cater to the individual needs that we all have. We try to be open and honest about our lives and what we are feeling.
My hometown is Oahu, Hawaii and this summer when I went back I heard â┚¬Ã…”The Realâ┚¬? playing on our local Christian music radio station. I guess this makes me curious if youâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ve heard your single on Christian radio yet? If so, how did that feel?
We havenâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t heard it in our hometown, but we randomly heard it in Colorado and also in Dallas. Itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s a pretty crazy feeling. I was thinking that I hope we sound cool, because I donâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t know.
It looks like you have a string of dates lined up for Shoutfest. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
We are playing Shoutfest until the end of October. There is actually a Flicker Records stage. It is a ton of fun, and all of the bands get to hang out with each other all day.
If you could tour with anyone live or dead, who would it be?
I donâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t know if I can speak for everyone. It would be rad to tour with Dashboard Confessional just so we could watch the set every night. We are all big fans.
Is there any big Christian band (currently together) youâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢d want to tour with?
We would love to tour with Reliant K.
Whatâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s the craziest thing a fan has ever done for Nevertheless?
I donâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t know. We get cookies all of the time. One time a guy offered me his autograph. I couldnâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t resist.
What do you see Nevertheless doing one year from now? And what are your long term goals as a band?
I hope that we are touring and that the record is selling well in a year. We really just want to stay consistent with the art and the message for the duration of our career. It is a goal to never write a song for the sole purpose of making us a â┚¬Ã…”bigâ┚¬? band.
Is there any question I havenâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t asked that you want to give an answer for? Shoutouts to make?
Thanks a ton for the support and taking the time to interview us. God blessâ┚¬Ã‚¦
DrivenFarOff would like to pay thanks to Joshua, Nevertheless, and Lori from the {m} collective for making this interview possible. We wish you great success on as you come upon release date!
Albums In Stores Tomorrow
Here are some albums that will be in stores tomorrow.
New Found Glory – Coming Home
Nevertheless – Live Like We’re Alive
Static Age – Blank Screens
Matt Wertz – Everything In Between
Fear Before The March Of Flames – The Always Open Mouth
Silverstein – Discovering The Waterfront: Special Edition CD/DVD
Hope Conspiracy – Death Knows Your Name
Ambitions – Question
Envy On The Coast – Envy On The Coast
Heavy Heavy Low Low – Everything’s Watched, Everyone’s Watching
Valencia – This Could Be A Possibility (Re-Release)
Nevertheless – Live Like We’re Alive

Album: Live Like We’re Alive
Label: Flicker
Purchase: Smartpunk
Release Date: September 19, 2006
Overall: 8.0
Music: 8.5
Lyrics: 7.5
Production: 9.5
These days bands live and die by the sticker genre. If you’re pegged as death metal, the emo kids won’t touch you. Likewise, the indie bands are ridiculed for lack of focus. So in this time of 10 cent labels and genre stereotypes what does it mean to be a Christian band? Only Christian fans will listen to you? I certainly hope not.
Labels and producers like Tooth & Nail, Solid State, James Paul Wisner, and Aaron Sprinkle have done a lot to change the general view about Christian music, but there are still kids who hear the word “religious” and go running for the hills. Of course, if you’re like me and love the production style of James Wisner you’ll actually go seek out the next projects that he’s working on just to discover new talent. Which bring me to the introduction of Chattanooga’s very own Nevertheless.
Coming out of left field in a combustion of melodic rock similar to The Fold and Forever Changed, Nevertheless are the latest underknowns to rob the Christian airwaves. Their debut full length Live Like We’re Alive is jam-packed with 10 outstanding tracks that run the gamut of hope in an arc of agressive pop-rock and ballad-driven emo. Vocal harmonies, piano build-ups, guitar licks galore, and Josh Pearson’s voice falling like autumn rain on the clearest day in Tennessee history, that’s what Nevertheless has to offer. Lyrical catchphrases like those found on “Let It Fall” and the titletrack “Live Like We’re Alive” have tons of sing-along staying power with lines like “we are bruised and destined to lose” and “do more than survive, let’s live like we’re alive,” proving that Nevertheless are more than just a cursory listen with pretty riffs.
The musicianship is top-notch, the production arrangement is impeccable, and the lyrics are powerful without being overly obscure. This is the heart of Christian music served up on a platter sure to allure pop, punk, and rock fans alike. Pick up Live Like We’re Alive this Tuesday and help me change the tradition of only Chrisitan kids digging Christian music.
Track Listing:
1. The Real
2. Patience and Devotion
3. Time
4. Live Like We’re Alive
5. Lover
6. Losing Innocence
7. Let It Fall
8. Perfect Chemistry
9. It’s Me
10. O’ Child
Standout Tracks:
“The Real,” “Live Like We’re Alive,” “Let It Fall,” “O’ Child”
Site Updates
You can find three new featured bands including New Found Glory, The Static Age, and Matt Wertz up on the main page. We are also streaming Nevertheless’s new album, Live Like We’re Alive, all this week so be sure to give that a listen.
Staff Recommendations September 10th 2006
You can read this weeks staff recommendations below.
Katie Arsenult: All Time Low.
Paul Bruens: Nevertheless, Jonezetta.
Bryce Jacobson: Pick up this years best pop-rock album, Boys Like Girls.
Michael Schneider: This Providence
Mike Duncan: Cassino, Matchbook Romance – This week Matchbook Romance’s sophomore album, Voices, has been in heavy rotation for me. Even though I have owned this record since its release on Valentine’s Day of this year, it had not sunk in until now. The reason being that it was such a drastic change from Stories and Alibis, which has always been one of my favorites. I gave Voices a second chance, which turned into a third chance, which turned into a fourth and a fifth… The fact is that this is not an album that should be overlooked. Matchbook Romance took a chance with the direction of this disc and took some stabs for it, but I found that if you listen to it a few times and let it hit you, their new sound begins to take on its own shape and you depend less on your expectations. I love how dark the whole album sounds; it has really been gearing me up for Halloween.
Nevertheless Stream New Video
Nevertheless has their new video for “The Real” streamable at the following links: Windows | Quicktime. The bands new album Live Like We’re Alive will be instores September 19th through Flickr Records.