Artist: Rookie Of The Year
Album: The Goodnight Moon
Label: One Eleven Records
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: April 11, 2006
Overall: 8.3
Music: 8.2
Lyrics: 8.0
Production: 8.4
Rookie of the Year; it would be easy to write them off as just another acoustic band, put their cd at the bottom of the pile and forget about them…that is, if you don’t listen to it first. The band, originally started as a solo project, has now released its full band debut, ‘The Goodnight Moon.’ Currently touring with acts like Hit The Lights, Dave Melillo and many other notables, they are steadily building a substantial fanbase and it’s easy to figure out why.
Releasing single tracks up until the release date as well as a full preview of the album built my excitement for this record from the first time I heard the demos. After an intro track, ROTY chose the perfect lead off song in ‘Poison Like Your Own.’ Brightly toned electric guitars hover above a slightly produced acoustic, Ryan and Mike’s vocals complement each other with impeccable precision.
‘Silhouettes’ follows with a slower but balancing pace, but If I had one complaint about this record it is evident in this track. I am a big fan of drums, I feel like the drums fade into the background of this record and never effectively push the music. Putting that aside, let’s fast forward to track six, ‘Pop Destroyed The Scene.’
I told the band this myself, this track sounds exactly like it belongs on the Backstreet Boys most recent album. Response? ‘Great! I love the Backstreet Boys.’ Well, I won’t lie, I do too just as I do this song! It is perfectly produced as a straightforward soundtrack to summer pop song. The chorus sticks in my head, the bridge borders LFO-style rap, and the melodies you’ll sing out loud for days. This song epitomizes my opinion of this record.
While there is always room for improvement, Rookie Of The Year has constructed a CD that will stay in my car all summer long. They have all the assets to be one of the next big bands in the pop-rock scene. The wait for this record was well worth it, pick it up as soon as you can.
Track Listing
1. The Goodnight Moon
2. Poison Like Your Own
3. Silhouettes (All Eyes Above)
4. Sign of Her Glory
5. Liars and Battlelines
6. Pop Destroyed the Scene
7. The Blue Roses
8. Life, Fall Fast Now
9. Set The Sails, Red Beret
10. The Weekend
11. Enjoy This Drive
12. Having To Let Go