The full lineup for the 2008 Warped Tour has been announced. Check out the bands and the dates they will be playing below.
3OH!3 whole tour
A Day to Remember jun 20 – jul 20
Against Me! whole tour
Aggrolites whole tour
Alesana whole tour
All That Remains jul 22 – aug 17
All Time Low jul 22 – aug 17
Anberlin jun 21 – aug 17
Angels and Airwaves whole tour
As I Lay Dying jun 20 – jul 18
August Burns Red jun 20 – july 6
Automatic Love Letter jul 17 – july 27
Beat Union whole tour
Bedouin Soundclash jul 3 – jul 17
Between the Trees jun 20 – jul 8, aug 4 – 12
Bouncing Souls jul 16 – jul 25
Bring Me the Horizon jul 22 – aug 17
Broadway Calls whole tour
Charlotte Sometimes whole tour
Cinematic Sunrise jul 10 – jul 16
Classic Crime jul 27 – aug 17
Cobra Starship whole tour
Confide jul 22 – aug 17
Danger Radio jul 19 – aug 8 / aug 9 – aug 18
Dr. Manhattan jul 22 – aug 17
Evergreen Terrace whole tour
Every Avenue jul 9 – jul 26
Everytime I Die whole tour
Family Force 5 whole tour except 6/19, 6/20, 6/26, 7/2, 7/12, 8/8
Forever the Sickest Kids jun 20 – jul 6 / jul 7 – aug 17
Four Year Strong jul 19 – aug 17
From First to Last whole tour
GBH aug 6 – aug 17
Greeley Estates whole tour
Gym Class Heroes whole tour
Horrorpops whole tour
Jack’s Mannequin jul 1 – jul 20
Just Surrender jul 9 – jul 26
Katy Perry whole tour
Ludo jul 22 – aug 17
Madina Lake jul 9 – jul 25
Mayday Parade whole tour
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster jun 20 – jul 18
MC Chris whole tour
MURS whole tour
Norma Jean whole tour
Oreska whole tour
Paramore jul 1 – jul 6
Pennywise jul 15 – aug 3, jul 15, jul 17- jul 20, jul 24, jul 27, jul 29- aug 3
Pierce the Veil whole tour
Pinkertones whole tour
Protest the Hero whole tour
Reel Big Fish whole tour
Relient K whole tour
Rise Against aug 6 – aug 17
Say Anything whole tour
Set Your Goals whole tour
Shwayze whole tour
Sick City jul 19 – jul 20, aug 6
Sky Eats Airplane jul 27 – aug 17
Stick to Your Guns jun 20 – jul 6
Story of the Year whole tour
Street Dogs whole tour
The Academy Is… whole tour
The All-American Rejects jun 20 – jun 29
The Audition jun 20 – jun 29 / jun 30 – aug 17
The Briggs whole tour
The Bronx whole tour
The Color Fred whole tour
The Devil Wears Prada whole tour
The Dillinger Escape Plan jul 9 – jul 15
The Fabulous Rudies whole tour
The Higher jun 20 – jul 20
The Human Abstract jul 22 – aug 17
The Lordz whole tour
The Maine jun 20 – jul 18 / aug 9 – aug 17
The Morning Light jul 28 – aug 6
The Pink Spiders jun 20 – jul 20
The Saint Alvia Cartel jul 9 – aug 3, aug 13 on
The Secret Handshake jun 30 – jul 9
The Vandals aug 6 – aug 17
We the Kings whole tour
omg this is the BEST lineup ever!!!! ALL TIME LOWW ROCKS MY WORLD!
OMG! I can’t wait to see Norma Jean and The Horrorpops!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!! My favorites!!!!!!
Eh, there are about 4 bands I would actually pay to see this year. Oh well, its Warped Tour. Fun no matter what
SKY EATS AIRPLANE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay! alesana is going to be there again this year! and gym class heroes and the academy is…!!! it sucks that i won’t be able to see paramore though. they were really great last year.
OMG this is gonn abe my first Warped tour ever. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see Paramore again. They are an awesome band to see live. Say Anything is gonna ROCK! It suck I’ll miss AAR. The Rejects are the best. At least i’ll get to see Paramore again. Can’t wait till July 2.
holy f*** i cant wait! forever the sickest kids. story of the year. norma jean. all time low. and such. π π π
This lineup is kind of weak.
but there are some decent bands.
wish killswitch engage was playing :\
as i lay dying+all that remains+august burns red=THEE SHIT CANT WAIT TILL JULY
wow…this fuckin lineup sucks ass
all the bands that are going are sooo overrated now…but still good
but come on…. all american rejects? you have got to be fuckin kidding me….
where is all the good metal, screamo, and mostly the good old school punk rock….
o well it will still be fun…
I still be excited….just could get some better bands…..
everything seems to be too mellow for Warped Tour
its a bummer
well this is a pretty shitty line up but i have to go see sky eats airplane and cobra starship. I really think saosin, sksk, trs, and kill hannah should have gone though…
but yeah Gch sucks so much dick it’s not even funny
this lineup sucks ass. 2004, 2005, those were good years. every year its a couple of good new bands, but then a bunch of other random crap. whatever happened to this being a punk show?
not that im complaining, because i love some of these new bands a lot. its just sad that the real good bands arent there and some random emo shits are on the list.
OMFG!i’ve been dying to go to Warped Tour since like 2005.I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE COBRA STARSHIP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!i saw them on their recent tour and I Love them so much!!!it’s gonna be so fucking rad!i’m dying to see The Academy Is… too!
Story Of the Year!!!!
The Classic Crime!!!
thats pretty awesome.
Yeah this line up kinda sucks, except for a few
OMG i want to go so badly MADINA LAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alesansa The Academy Is… and so many god damn more that i want to see. And my lil Above All Else boys are so getting in. But i have to live in Australia =[ =[ =[
Three Bands worth my time.
The Human Abstract
Not a bad lineup, however, PTW and Throwdown should have been on this years also.
Always next year
They should be headlining.
Evergreen Terrace!!!
Stoked about it
yay im excited!! its not the best, but warped tour is always gonna have a variety and every year kevin’s not gonna put the same bands on.he has to ask them, and sometimes other bands are on their own tour…….but i love paramore!!!!!!!! <3
get atreyu on there.
they should totally be there.
because they are beyond amazing.
get them.
thanks much :]
Not a bad lineup. I’m pretty stoked about protest the hero and As I lay Dying!!! August Burns Red is the shit.. Absolutely the best on the lineup. ABR representin Lancaster County baby!!!!
wtf?!?! no spill canvas?
this is the worst line up in the history of warped tour.
I’m more than disappointed!
Damn, Warped Tour gets shittier every year. Thanks for the massive amount of emo bands, Vans.
uhh. im kinda disappointed by this line-up. last years was SO AMAZING! i mean get like circa survive, chiodos, killswitch, our last night, and like coheed again and ill be fine..
please add some more bands. if circa plays i’ll go JUST to see them.
this is disappointing=[
OK so what’s with all these emo bands? Warped tour sucks this year!!! there should be more punk! only a few bands are good but for the most part it’s an emo fest =(
c’mon Vans!
This line-up is shit compared to 98-02 line-ups. Emo bands as far as the eye can see. Only bands up there I would pay to see are Reel Big Fish Pennywise and Bouncing Souls, and two of them aren’t making Miami show appearances. Damn, why did I have to miss than NOFX show in Orlando =/.
This has got to be the worst warped line up yet.
Only good bands are
As I Lay Dying jun 20
August Burns Red
Between the Trees
Bring Me the Horizon
Everytime I Die
Family Force 5 whole
Forever the Sickest Kids
From First to Last
Mayday Parade
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Norma Jean
Rise Against
Sky Eats Airplane
Story of the Year
The Academy IsΓ’β¬Β¦
The Devil Wears Prada
The Maine
this is the worst fuckin lineup ever!
Omg. This is the WORST lineup EVER!!!
Last years line up was amazing. (:
I rather spend the 32$ on something else, ugh. I’m so disappointed. :/
But there’s Paramore </33333 zomgg Paramore (L)
WTF happened to Warped??? I haven’t gone in a couple of years and now I see why!! Look at this GARBAGE line up, yes GARBAGE. Maybe 4 decent acts and the rest is commercialized, cookie cutter, bubble gum GARBAGE!!!!!! Agree or disagree it’s your right. Paramore sux – we are broken – Cry me a river. Please bring back some real punk bands or how about some Ska. At least they brought in some Psycho-Billy, Horrorpops for you retards who don’t know.
Good luck at the show you sheep – Save your money and by some real music.
what the hell happened to warped tour?
they need to change the name, seriously.
What happened to the punk bands?
so upset.
paramores not commnig to mass. =X
and theres some other pretty great bands tho
hope i can go
it’d be my first warped tour =]
does anyone know how much tickets are going for ?
this lineup absolutely sucks
last year’s was SOOOOO much better
and where the hell is New Found Glory?
don’t they come every year?
what happened to that?
i wanted the spill canvas bad. :[
and escape the fate
and panic!
and you me and everyone we know
thank freaking God mayday parade is going to be there.
im excited for them :]
personally, i think this lineup kick major ass. but, i can see why some wouldnt like it. true, there arent many old-school punk bands on the list, but you have to take into account that as the years start to shift, there are more newer bands jumping on the emo/screamo/metalcore/indie bandwagons than the hardcore punk one.
warped tour is going to be so much fun this year no matter what anyone feels what they have to say is important enough to post up.
oh yea you punk bastards that think your all tight and right, so gay..
like cock in my ass gay…
get over yourselves you smelly dirty scumm. There is punk influence in everything, why cant you stop being stubborn and open your mind a little. you guys are parasites.Cock breathed and analy leaking. im glad your not going to these warped tours. so i dont have to see or smell you assholes ever. youre the garbage. :] just discover some new music and learn to love the shit these bands work hard on, its worth hearing… judgmental assholes.
yay A Day To Remember,
Angels and Airwaves,
Classic Crime,
All Time Low,
Angels And Airwaves,
August Burns Red,
Bring Me The Horizon,
Classic Crime,
Everytime I Die,
Four Year Strong,
Jack’s Mannequin,
Just Surrender,
Mayday Parade,
Set Your Goals,
Sky Eats Airplane,
Stick To Your Guns,
The Audition,
The Color Fred,
The Devil Wears Prada,
The Higher,
The Maine,
We The Kings,
and whatever else i discover…
:]]] funn funn :]]]
(shakes head) FUCK!
what’s happening to warped tour?
Anyone Who says The Line-Up Sucks Is A Dumb-Fuck. It’s the Best Line-Up Yet
ill be in the beer tent till all that remains and every time i die go on, have fun with the boy bands kids
OMFG amazing line up for all those saying it sucks cuz its all emo bands you are an autistic down syndrome infant the line up is fucking amazing
wtf?? wheres underoath on this llist???
Weak. The bands get worse and worse every year!
WTF ???
It’s not supposed to be a punk show ???
Where are the Nofx, Anti-flag, millencolin, mxpx and all those great band like in the 2004-2005-2006 edition ????
this is quite possibly the worst warped list, ever. the last few years were good, but ’08 is just throughly disappointing. don’t get me wrong, they are all at least decent bands, i would have just liked to seen some of the “usual” bands come back, such as underoath, chiodos, escape the fate, the spill canvas, and killswitch. but, it will be a good time anyway.
to other haters: at least give these bands you presume are shitty a chance, they may surprise you. :]]
rise against and against me fo sho
Okay, so maybe the bands this year are more ’emo’ than punk, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any good bands playing.
All Time Low
Forever the Sickest Kids
Jack’s Mannequin
Madina Lake
Mayday Parade
Norma Jean
Relient K
Say Anything
Story of the Year
The Academy Is…
The Audition
The Maine
We the Kings
They are all awesome, plus some other are pretty good, at least in my opinion.
I am just fucking pissed that All Time Low and Paramore won’t be playing at the Atlanta show. I mean, i plan on driving all the way from around Nashville to go to my first Warped Tour, and two of my favorite bands won’t be playing. But hopefully seeing FF5,Mayday Parade,the Maine,Story of the Year,Relient K, and Forever the Sickest Kids will make it worth it.
But I would also love it if bands like Silverstein,Underoath,Chiodos,the Spill Canvas,etc. were going to be there. That would make it even better, though.
All Time Low
Bring Me the Horizon
Cinematic Sunrise
Cobra Starship
Every Avenue
Forever the Sickest Kids
From First to Last
Madina Lake
Norma Jean
Sky Eats Airplane
The Devil Wears Prada
i wish Drop dead gorgeous was there
and underoath.
bestt lineup evaa(:
I’m pretty sure this lineup is the weakest piece of shit that Vans Warped Tour has ever put on..
Mayhem Fest > Vans Warped tour
P.S. You hXc dance and i hate you.
This line up sucks.
ETID, AILD, Evergreen Terrence, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Norma Jean, and PTH are the only bands worth seeing; however When the show comes around to my town half of them will not be on anymore. So i get suck with shitty bands like all time low. The only good thing is paramore wont be in my town-needless to say they suck ass. When did warped tour start allowing shitty power pop bands on? They just waste space for better bands.
WTF atreyu iznt going, they like HAVE to go, HAVE TO GO!!!!! they like so better get’em
What a horrible lineup. Vans Warped Tour used to be a festival celebrating the music that accompanied the extreme sports that Vans sponsored(i.e. skate punk, punk, ska, etc) and now it’s turned into an overload of emo, pop punk crap. Pennywise, Rise Against, Bouncing Souls, Reel Big Fish, then game over.
Even last year(which I thought was a lacking lineup) they were able to get Bad Religion, Agent Orange, Sum 41, Flogging Molly, Pepper, Buck-o-Nine, Mustard Plug, The Toasters, Big D and the Kids table, Real McKenzies, along with Pennywise, who returns this year.
Come on Vans, stick to your roots, and pick it up next year.
This Warped will be amazing but i do agree what happend to the punk bands???
I do wish there were goiing to be some there to even out the emo!! lol
what a terrible terrible line up not very many good bands…. ya’ll could have had a much much better line up… im not even gonna waste my time and money maybe next year will be better… sorry but you people need to open your eyes this is a terrible lineup
this lineup sucks major ass! last year was way fucking better! wat happened to all the hardcore bands! UHHH dumb as hell
im gonna miss friggen bouncing souls, bedouin soundclash, and pennywise. at least i get me some reel big fish. aggrolites, against me, beat union, family force 5, street dogs, horrorpops, and oreskaband are good to.
aggrolites were even on yo gabba gabba!
GREAT bands!
i wish i could go.
i love like half of them.
oh and JET LAG GEMINI will be touring also but only for certain dates. I love them :]
This line up isnt that bad.
Im goinnggg.
Should be funn.
and all you guys who are saying”this line up sucks”
Shut up.
If it sucks so bad,
then dont go.
i dont know why atr, norma jean, as i lay dying, everytime i die would even waste their time with this shit…pathedic
I love all american rejects and Angels and airwaves and Story of the Year!!1 Heck Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!
ehh… i liked last years a lot better, i’lle go anyways though to see:
Against me! (dropping “!” next album i heard)
Reel big fish
academy is
SAY ANYTHING (idc if hes bipolar and not my religion π )
Sky eats airplane
but w/e happened to some of the guys last year:
put up “Stars” and i’lle go no matter what π
and i’m sorry but some of the people on there just dont deserve it. stop sucking up to all the pop bands and make the list yourself instead of listening to little kids. DIY man, DIY forever.
wow…. not one of the bands i watched last year is returning
not underoath, HH, sksk, etc..
it will be fun no matter what so idc really
OMG OMG OMG THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!!! I CAN’T WAIT!!! I still wish The Medic Droid were Coming, but thats fine…
warped tour has always booked bands they thought were mainstream, and that’s all they’re trying to do. but it’s not going to be a good year for them, definatly not.
save 160 more dollars and find a lalapalooza near you! π
Reel Big Fish!
Haha, bet most of you dont care for them, but their my favorite band on there. Suck it bitches.
Wow this year isn’t very solid. Last year seemed like a last gasp of Vans former glory. I’d love for bands like Hot Water Music, Bouncing Souls, Bad Religion, Propagandhi, Good Riddance, Lagwagon, etc… to play again. Don’t get me wrong there are some good bands but not to many. I totally understand progressing from the Punk of the old days but at least progress to good indie bands like Minus the Bear, Circa (who was great last year), Coheed (also great last year), me without You, As Cities Burn, Alexisonfire, Thrice, Thursday, Sparta, Chiodos, The Fall of Troy… just to name a few!
Wheres atreyu & a7x?
why dont you guys have ICP(INSANE CLOWN POSSE) playing this year? i am sooooo sad. they are my fav.
Lame, no bands want to cross the border to toronto, so they all just start in buffalo. i wish bmth and ABR were playing in TO. Not to mention THA, ATR, and AILD. good lineup, just no good bands going to TO
devil wears prada is the shiznit..
its pretty raw dis year!
UGHHH! not too many good bands here besides rise against, the academy is…, relient k, fftl, and paramore, who btw is only coming for a frickin week! seriously? come on. i want bands like aiden, the used, and underoath. where’s New Found Glory??? Bad Religion??? total let down but i’m still gonna go because it’s always a good time and i would buy way more expensive tickets to go see all the bands i like at a real concert anyways… really disappointed though… please go back to punk and leave these emo sissys behind!
gay gay gayest gayer i miss the 90’s line ups these publishest really are killing me, if a band sucks u can not make them better just by throwing them on the warped tour, also that seems to be all the reqirements u need these days suck balls and hey u got yourself a record deal, gag for those of u who can’t wait to see this garbage if u where a little older im sure u would c it my way
no anti-flag? the fuck is that shit
yess!!! Story of the year and angels and airwaves!!!! + anberlin<33 awesomeeee
im sooo there i just bought my ticket “]]
damnn this is the best lineup ive seen in a couple of years!!! im so fucking excited. norma jean, rise against, bring me the horizon. ftw 2008
fuck warped tour, it fucking blow, its all emo bullshit when it WAS and STILL should be punk, there are only 3 or 4 good bands and they are leaving warped tour cause of the gay emo, screamo, metal faggot ass shit that make warped gay as hell
HELL YA!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING ME THE HORIZON!!!!!!!!!! AND ALESANA!!!!!!!!
dude Angels & Airwaves! The Higher! All Time Low!
this lineup kicks ass
i wanna go soo bad, sucks that im broke
duddeee. i want to go so bad :/
too bad gas is freakin too high.
millencolin no,bad religion no,anti-flag no,NOFX no,MxPx no,Lagwagon no,Less than Jake no….hmm next year they’re gonna tell us that madonna will sing….
whats the deal with this lineup.
…warped ’08, definitely NOT worth the gas money.
what a disappointment.
AGAINST ME! rest are shitty
I could have gone but it’s really not worth it. -.-
To be listening to shitty bands the whole time and only really enjoying 3 of them.
im pretty sure no one knows how fucking pissed i am that i cant go… cuz im gonna be in fucking pennsylvania… and living in stupid fucking upstate ny there are hardly any shows because i live in the middle of fucking nowhere and GRRR…. i mean, i guess it is kind of a sucky lineup. To the person who wanted Anti-Flag… im seriously standing by your side. But still… I just wish I could go… grrr. enough complaining. to all the people that im envious of… dont tell me how it was when you get back… i just might end up kicking you in the face. =]]
oh and one more thing… NOFX IS PRETTY MUCH THE GREATEST BAND EVERRRR… but no, people dont know that these days cuz all they listen to now is pop-rock which is pretty much PUSSY BANDS. so there. [but i still wish i could go… cuz even if everything sucks [descendents song] warped tour is warped tour and its gonna be fun either way…. ahhhhhhhh this is so fucking annoying]
and another thing… there are punks and wish-they-could-be-punks. now it’s a pretty simple answer if i asked the question of “what would seven eighths of these bands classify as?”
here’s a small list of the bands i was hoping for:::
bad religion
good riddance
rise against [thanks for them, at least]
the casualties
bouncing souls [thanks for them, too]
the beatsteaks
strike anywhere
tiger army
screw 32
strung out
and i know people are all “everything has a little bit of punk in it…” and whatever… but really… warped should be the real stuff… true Punx Unite [the casualies song]. it shouldn’t be some make-believe shit that just TRIES to sum up and be everything that real punk is… and its hard for them to do that because they dont have it in their hearts, their minds, their souls, their vocal chords, their beats, their strums. [very poetic, i know] bands cant just automatically change to that sort of genre, i guess i could call it… but it isn’t really a genre. its a way of life. its a style, a culture. maybe it could even be classified as a religion. hmmm… i dont know. anyway… bands cant just change to it like THAT with a snap of their fingers. they have to believe in it… have to really become what they want to be…
and sense im sounding like a preacher now… that’s my opinion. you can agree or disagree, i dont really give a shit. you just need to understand, thats all.
this sucks ass.
i missed paramore. i havent seen them since warped ’05.
but still.
i guess this could be a worse line up…
no panic?
no ETF?
Warped Tour Officially Sux. Only one good band; Rise Against. All others are stupid emo/screamo shit… Bring back the Rock FUCKERS!
Dude. I wish underoath would be going but at least chiodos and Greeley estates are there for detroit!
I’m satisfied!!
(mmm…..greeley estates lead singer!!!!!!!hot stuff)
i forgot the warped our date canyou buy tickets at the door or are they more i need to now like right now
wtf! like half the good bands r leaving before warped gets here!
okayyy. so 3oh!3 is gunna be there which means its officially going to KICK ASS!!!! [[punkbitch]] yeah!
okayyy. so 3oh!3 is gunna be there which means its officially going to KICK ASS!!!! [[punkbitch]] yeah!
oreska rocks my world!
Eh, this year’s lineup is okay I guess. I won’t be able to see paramore (which sucks a bit), but there are still some really awesome bands here.
By the way, I was backreading some of theose comments before me and this is starting to sound like a riot. Music is expression (and yes I know how cliche that sounds). You assholes just don’t realize that the only reason that you’re on this page is because you love music just like every other person that is here too.
The lineups as good as its gonna get for now abd we can’t change it so stop complaining and enjoy the good bands. Mxpx is at tomfest btw
OMG this is going to be the BESTT
ive never been to one but this one im going to definetly i live in michigan and i will see ALL TIME LOW and all the others THERE all GREAT BANDS i cant wait!!=]]