Artist: Down for the Count
Album: Broken Record Tactics
Label: Kick Rock Music(Japan) Pep-Rock Records(UK)
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: April 10th, 2007
Overall: 8.0
Music: 8.0
Lyrics: 8.5
Production: 7.0
Down for the Count is a shining example of what a band today should be… Self-Sufficient! In only a few short years this Southern California rock outfit has booked several tours all on their own, self-funded and self-released each recording, landed distribution deals overseas and have undoubtedly shared the stage with one of your favorite bands. D4TC has garnered quite a following by taking their campaign to the masses. Through handing out fliers weeks before every show, “hustling CD’s at Warped Tour” and countless hours of online promotion. They’ve even followed bands on tour just to meet potential fans in new markets. It is this type of bold ambition and willingness to take chances that has led the band to their debut full length Broken Record Tactics.
The album opens with an unexpected yet stirring piano piece that gradually evolves into the driving pop-punk rhythms of “Something New” which raucously declares “it’s time for something new, something from the heart and captivating.” Those words ring true and serve almost as a mission statement for the group. The song vastly changes direction as it breaks down into a series of scat singing vocals while the instruments ring out. If you are not drawn in enough by now or at least slightly intrigued it won’t be long because “Less Than Three Is Enough for Me” can only be described as immediately catchy. There is no doubt that this tune will find its way onto many Myspace profiles throughout the summer months. Without showing a sign of stopping the formulaic head-bobbing assault only continues with “Cutoffs and Key Chains.” This leads up to the very blunt and biting “Lucky Seven” which provides a genuine but amusing commentary on the music “scene” of today and the all too typical characteristics of those involved. It’s now the halfway point of the album and I truly enjoy what I’ve heard thus far. Catchy music with substance behind it is exactly what I prefer to listen to and Broken Record Tactics delivers.
In my mind Down for the Count draw a comparison to early songs by New Found Glory. They also possess the musical sensibilities of a band such as Hit the Lights; while at the same time display striking similarities to the cadence of The Starting Line. The Latter half of the Broken Record Tactics keeps a steady pace and doesn’t let up a bit. As a series of slightly down tempo hook-laden tracks saturate the heart of the disc. While “Distractions, Distractions…” proves that there is no shortage of rye witty lyrics with the refrain of “all i need is a miracle baby and maybe some alcohol.” The standout track in my opinion is “Planes, Trains, and Tour Buses” and while listening I can’t help but feel eager for future releases by Down for the Count.
As expected the album goes out with a bang as “Throwing in the Towel” features blasting guitars and hard hitting drums that permeate nicely with perfectly timed gang vocals. Broken Record Tactics is chalk-full of all the seamless harmonies, sharp lyrics, and big choruses you could ever want. After listening several times it’s clear to me that Down for the Count are well on their way to success. I imagine that everyone in the music community will be seeing lots of them in the not too distant future. Their debut EP History in the Making has remained atop the 100 best-sellers of all time at and history will likely repeat itself with Broken Record Tactics. Down for the Count may not be re-inventing the wheel but they have certainly managed to attach a set of bright sleek rims.
Track List
1. Introduction
2. Something New
3. Less Than Three Is Enough for Me
4. Cutoffs and Key Chains
5. Lucky Seven
6. Torn Up from the Ground Up
7. Bedposts Are for Suckers
8. No Highway Option
9. Distractions, Distractions…
10. Planes, Trains, and Tour Buses
11. Throwing in the Towel
Amazing band.
Full of talent.
`nuff said.
Buy their album – available on iTunes.
[I highly recommend this band.. especially if you’re fans of the All-American Rejects, Cartel, or All Time Low. You won’t be disappointed!]